Submersed is an independent short film currently in production. The film follows Audre, Jean-Luc, and George, the crew of the research submersible Athena I, as they embark on an expedition across an uncharted ocean planet.

As the director of the film, I am responsible for art and story direction, overseeing the other department leads, and coordinating meetings. In addition to these duties I provided guides and examples of the artistic style for the art team to follow, as well as the hand-painted texturing process.

Anachronaut Productions LLC


Texture projection onto 3D environment, stylized water surface

For Submersed, I developed a texturing workflow that allowed us to handpaint our environments in a way analogous to a traditional 2D background pipeline, but with the advantages of a 3D space. This involved painting directly from camera layouts and projecting back onto the geometry using the Blender addon EYEK.

We used a similar projection process for texturing animated assets such as props and creatures. Here is an example of a creature I textured we referred to in production as “Brian”. I painted over the orthographic views of his model in Photoshop, and then using EYEK in Blender, projected them onto the model and cleaned up edges, distortions, and seam marks.

The same process was used for his emission map: