Primogeniture is a SCAD senior film that follows Claudia, a young girl living in a dystopian town ruled by fear of monsters living in the outside world.

As a concept artist on the film, I was tasked with designing the color palettes, background style, character designs, and model sheets, as well as and the 3D elements of the film such as props and moving camera shots.

A large aspect of production was using our time efficiently. The backgrounds of the film were very complex in design and needed to be painted with consistent direction. By utilizing Blender, I was able to quickly recreate the environments from the film in 3D and generate lighting keys for the background artists to work from. This helped the team in maintaining visual continuity across all scenes.

Not only were we able to reference keys that clearly showed how the environments would be lit, but through careful perspective work, I was able to line up scene cameras and utilize them for background layout in some areas.

Savannah College of Art & Design


Another way that I utilized Blender during production was for texture projection. In some scenes, the camera had certain movements that simply were not possible with simply painting backgrounds in Photoshop. At the same time, we also didn’t want to use PBR techniques with 3D volumetric lighting, as this would immediately make the 3D shots stand out. As you will see in the short reel below, I really pushed to maintain the painterly style of our other shots by hand painting textures from camera.

I modeled and textured this milk carton model for use as a prop throughout the film.

All prop modeling, texturing, animation, and compositing by me

Brother design by Aedean Kern

Grandmother design by Aedean Kern

I also had the privilege of illustrating the fall and winter posters for the film.